Εικόνες ακατάστατες στην αρχή, αργότερα ισορροπημένες μεταφορές και μετωνυμίες του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος που την έθελξε. Εικόνες που δεν είναι τυχαίες ‘αρπαγές’ του βλέμματος. Περισσότερο από άλλες, ανάγονται σε έναν φανερό ή έστω κρυφό διάλογο με την αισθητική σκέψη της Άπω Ανατολής
– Μαριλένα Ζ. Κασιμάτη
Ιστορικός Τέχνης και Επιμελήτρια
της Εθνικής Πινακοθήκης


Deni Theocharaki was born in Athens, where she lives and works. She is a graduate of the Department of Economics of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and holds an MBA with a specialization in Finance, from the Stern Business School of New York University. She studied at the Athens School of Fine Arts (2006-2011) with teacher Giannis Psychopedis in painting and Manolis Babousis in photography. She has held two solo exhibitions, while she has participated in many group exhibitions in Greece and abroad. Her creations can be found in many Private Collections, the City Hall of Filothei-Psychiko, while her work also belongs to the Collection of the National Gallery. Deni Theocharaki is constantly experimenting with materials, textures, techniques and her painting mutates sometimes unexpectedly calmly and sometimes with emotional intensity. Through her acquaintance with distant cultures, but also as a restless observer of everyday life, she is constantly looking for new visual stimuli.
