Μέσω της ποίησης μπορούμε να απαθανατίσουμε την ίδια μας τη ζωή, μπορούμε να διατηρήσουμε όλες τις σημαντικές στιγμές διά παντός, καθώς η ποίηση αψηφά το θάνατο. – Ειρήνη Ευριπίδου


Eirene Evripidou was born in London and grew up in Athens. She has studied Digital Humanities at King’s College London (KCL) and University College London (UCL). She began her professional career in 2006 participating in research projects  at the Center for Computing in the Humanities (CCH) at King’s College London. Since then, she has worked in relevant fields in both England and Greece.

From a young age, Eirene showed great interest in art and especially in expression through poetic speech. Her first poetry collection titled “Glass Roses” was published in December 2011 by AIOLOS publications and her second collection titled “Reveries (of a moon)” was also published by AIOLOS publications in September 2016. In addition to poetry, she is also involved with photography, dancing and aerial gymnastics.
